Assignment 11: What's Up in Lakewood Masthead and Newsletter

What were you trying to accomplish?

I redesigned the "What's Up in Lakewood" newsletter to make it easier to read and geared more toward a younger audience. I took the existing material and tried to make important information easier to find, like I moved the "text PROMISE" section to the front. I also added a sidebar on the front so Lakewood's Promise could include special messages so they can reach out to the community. 

What technical skills did you use to create the project?

I have experience with laying out the Pioneer student newspaper at Pierce college, so using InDesign was easier to work with. I downloaded a fun font (that was free to use in commercial work) for the "What's up in" text that would appeal to younger people. I used rounded lines in the masthead to make it feel more playful. 

How do you feel you did on the project?

I think I did great. I'm pleased with the front page. I think I could have worked harder on the back page to make the ads fit better.
