I love going to Mt. Rainier and have taken a bunch of photos during my trips there, and the mountain inspired me once again for this project. Also I love bird watching and of course had to include some birds in there too (I'm not not like this though... I promise). I wanted to create an animation that was awe inspiring and majestic and captured my feelings of hiking at Mt. Rainier. I decided on making an animation that could be used as title for a film and/or introduction to a website or something similar.
What technical skills did you use to create the project?
I used Photoshop brushes to "stamp" the brushes and create the text. I imported it into After Effects and used masking to reveal the layers. I then imported that into Premiere Pro and added some royality free music and transitions.
How do you feel you did on the project?
I'm really happy with how this turned out. I actually got a couple comments on the video when I published it on Youtube which rarely happens for me. One of the students in class suggested downloading music from the Free Music Archive website, and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of music on there. I've mostly been using incompetech's music for free music, but the free music archive has a lot of more avant-garde sounding music from lots of different artists.
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